Tuesday, November 25, 2008

I Love YouTube!!!

I love YouTube, I love YouTube, I love YouTube!!! I work all day and all night, and I don't have cable - so when and where do I get to watch my shows?? Hurray for YouTube!!!

Recently, I've been able to watch the first "real" season of Baywatch (the rest of the seasons have been deleted - they charge to upload them now I've heard - so the person who had them up had to take them down.

I was also watching Ghost Whisperer - same thing happened - no longer able to upload.

Happily, I still have my Criminal Minds and Cold Case.

Some episodes of Full House are up that I can catch if I can find them.

And today I found Beverly Hills 90210 - I haven't seen this since it was actually on TV and my Mom used to watch it - I must have been in elementary school - it's going to be like seeing them for the first time! I'm excited!!!

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Hurray For Clean Houses!!!

Okay, my house is far from spotless - but I got to catch up on some cleaning that definitely needed to be done and I've been too busy or too tired or too not-in-the-mood to do.

Not that anyone cares but I put away 3 huge laundry baskets of clean clothes, cleaned my bathroom, did the dishes (my all-time least favorite chore - the only reason it got done is my mom came by to help me do them and I was out of clean forks - I'm serious. Santa bring me a portable dishwasher!!!

I also moved my sister's dresser away from the window (the guinea pig cage is on top of the dresser - colder weather they need to be where they are not subjected to the cold draft). I swept all the hard wood floors and vacuumed all the carpeted areas and got started on more laundry (laundry never ends - especially when you have tiny apartment size washer and dryers' like me. I'm not complaining though - at least I don't have to lug them to the laundry mat.

Anyway, happy adult-productive day for me. Doesn't it just make you wish you were a kid again?

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Old Movies and Lily gets a Bath

Having two days off in a row has made me lazy (no complaints here). I don't want to leave my bed so I have decided to start a Shirley Temple Marathon.

I own at least 20 Shirley Temple movies - I'm not saying I will watch all of them in a row (I have before) but I want to watch a few of them today. I viewed "Since you went away" last night - I cried, I cry every time I see that movie - it's so good. I just started "I'll be Seeing You". Yes, these movies are when Shirley is older - I have the ones when she's younger as well. I just started collecting her older films in the past year. I miss the store Suncoast - I used to get all the old movies there (Elvis Presley, Shirley Temple, Judy Garland, etc.) I get all the old movies from Barnes and Nobles now.

I've also given Lily a bath today, I was petting her and I noticed something sticky on her white fur. My Mom had notice it on her ear last night, but it was dark in my room so I couldn't see anything. I don't know what it was but she needed a bath.

Here are some cute photos right out of the tub - I don't have any "in the tub" pictures because I was the one scrubbing her and Michelle was getting ready for work.

One Fresh Clean Pup!!! Ain't She Cute?

Friday, November 21, 2008

Early Mornings and Twilight

I am far from being a morning person - as I have mentioned several times on this blog. But, today, Michelle and I woke up early to do some earns. We needed to pay some bills (what fun).

We were originally both off all day today, but Michelle went in to cover the cashier position for 3 hours. One of the girls' needed to teach class during the time they had her on register (got to love it when a computer makes the schedule).

I actually got to spend time with several people today (Michelle, Marti, Mom, and my friend Anna).

I had lunch with my aunt Marti. We went to her favorite resturant, Golden Corral. When you have diabetes (like my Aunt) you have to choose places where you can get lots of veggies.

I saw a movie with Michelle and Anna (Twilight). It was interesting. I read lots of vampire books, but have never read the Twilight series. I'll have to see about reading it now. I found the movie verison to have some weird humor...love my Cedric though - so cute (as in the actor who played Cedric in Harry Potter 4).

After the movie: Anna, Michelle, and I met my Mom for dinner. We got Mexican - yummy!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Rhiley Graduated From Beginner Training Class - Michelle

In September I signed Rhiley up for training classes. She was a very good student when she wanted to be. She learned to sit, lay down, stay, beside me (walking without pulling), leave it, take it, drop it, up, and off. She was in a class with several other dogs which helped her with her dog aggression (the main reason we signed her for classes).

The other dogs in Rhiley's class: Lucy the min pin (rust),

Buster the Lhasa (cream),

Buster the Hound (tri colored),

Buddy the Shih Tsu (gray),

and Roscoe the Hound (white & black).

Ashley and June bug are the instructors.

June bug is a maltese-chihuahua mix and is Ashley's personal dog. Rhiley loves Buster and Lucy but not Buddy for some reason. I think it is because Buddy is very hyper and in your face. I was worried about her with big Buster and Roscoe because Rhiley doesn't really like dogs bigger than her but she loved them. She did very well for her first four classes with me and my mom but during her fifth class I wasn't able to attend due to illness. Apparently my sister fed her pizza before my mom picked her up for class so she wasn't very hungary for treats. No treats = No tricks. The seventh class was another dud for Rhiley. She was looking for Sha the whole time and wouldn't listen to me at all. Luckily it was a make-up class due to Lily having her surgery to remove mammery tumors and an eye growth.

We were worried that she wouldn't graduate because she only does the tricks when she wants to. Rhiley was an angel for me and passed with flying colors. Out of one hundred she got a one hundred fifteen she had to get a seventy to pass. the extra fifteen was doggy pushups for extra credit.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

More Random Posts by Me!!!

Being a manager at a movie theater - people expect me to know exactly when movies are coming to the theater and when they go on DVD as well - let's set the record straight now- we don't. We can look it up on the computer the same as you - but unless we make it a habit (Like one manager I know) we do not have this vital information in our brains.

That being said. A few months ago I had made a date with my family to go see The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2 in the theater. I own the first Sisterhood and couldn't wait to see the new one when it came out at the theater. After seeing the new one I do believe the first Sisterhood is better, but I did like the second one and have been wanting to buy it. I have looked for the release date on the Internet previously and at the time I couldn't find it. Well, I was thinking about it tonight and went looking for the date and what do you know it's released TODAY (11-18-2008)! Weird.

I will be picking it up in the morning if I have time before work.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Weird Association

Last year I was looking for a photo of my cousins' dogs (Nick and Goldie) to turn into a necklace for my cousin as a Christmas present. My Aunt sent me probably 20 photos - including the one below. I remember when I first saw this photo that it reminded me of the 1930 painting titled, "The Farmer and His Wife", also known as "The Farmer and His Daughter" created by Grant Wood. (I was a visual art student in high school I still paint ocassionally) I don't know why this photo makes me think of that painting except for the subjects being right in the foreground - but I do, weird huh?

Nick is on the left and Goldie is on the right - aren't they so cute!

Computers (oh joy) <--sarcasm sooooooo intended

Today was a little rough. (understatement)

I was supposed to work from 11:30 am until 12 am today, but I didn't leave work until 1:30 am.

Everything was going good until I realized at 10 pm that the main computer (the one we use to close day and send all our reports out on) had decided to not work. Realizing this, I closed down what I could and released the staff ater they finished cleaning- then called the helpdesk to help me with the computer - the diagonose is that we need a new keyboard and mouse - tonight I got to switch the one from the other office back and forth so I could close. It was a long evening.

Luckily, I got to come home to the best puppies in the world! Closing with an adorable photo of two of my boo boos'!!!

Rhiley and Madelyne
- Sha

Monday, November 17, 2008

Greetings from the Night Owl

I was blog surfing today and came across a fun question- "What do you do with your friends?" (only PG answers, please)

I will answer here.

I am a workaholic all the time. A sleep-aholic during the early daylight hours, and spend the rest of my time at home playing with my dogs. The only friends I see are the ones I work with or the ones who come to visit me at work - or once in a blue moon they may catch me on a day off in which case we go shopping or clean my house while we talk.

And sometimes we actually go some place fun and talk - like the Olive Garden or Stony Point mall - but those are rare occasions.

My best friend, Anna, tries to make a point of coming up to my job once a week and she'll help me put away stock or help count stock while we chit-chat and catch up. (But, she can't right now - she's pregnant, so no heavy lifting) :)

My other best friends, Brittany and Jon, catch up with me before and after they see movies at the theater I work at. I see them about once every two weeks. Love 'em.

The people I see the most are my family, we get together to go eat sometimes at 6:30pm (when I work a short day, but mostly it's around 1 a.m. when I get off work (like tonight - Love You, Marti!) or we talk while we car pool (Michelle and I share a car, so I usually get dropped off or picked up since I work the longest hours).

So, I guess my answer is - I talk with them over food or chores --> I'm sure you can't wait to be my friend. --> why are you running away?!!??! Wait--> stay with me, be my friend!!! LOL

And you, what do you do with your friends?

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Christmas Traditions-Michelle

Sha and I have a couple of Christmas
traditions for our household. Every time
we adopt a new pet we always get them a personalized stocking that we fill with a new toy and a few treats.

and christmas ornament with their names on them.On their ornament we also put the year of their first christmas with us and their age.


Things to Remember to do today

LOL, how many people do you think make to-do lists for the day at 2 p.m. ?

I didn't wake up until 12 p.m. today (not unusual for me) and I have been really lazy. I can play on my computer from bed, so after letting the pups out to go potty and feeding them we (me and the pups) have been gathered back into my room - three pups on the bed with me and one on the floor at my feet. Little Bear really wishes he was able to jump onto my bed. I put him up here and he will get down (flying Pomeranian!) and then want to get back up five minutes later - I don't play that game - if you want up, I'll put you up, but I'm not lifting you every five minutes.

Anyway, back to my original subject, my to-do list.

It's nothing really drastic, but they are things I want to remember to do today...

1. I called PetSmart and found out for sure that they are closed on Thanksgiving and Christmas, so I need to let my GM at the theater know that I am available to work those holidays.

2. I need to remember to grab the movies, Deeply and How to Deal, and put them in my purse (which is a messager bag - me have a tiny purse, pul-lease LOL).

Fun side note: Trent Ford is the leading man in both movies.

I was thinking about lending my friend Deeply because I've been giving her all the Nickolas Sparks inspired movies (like Walk to Remember and The Notebook) to borrow. Nickolas Sparks' stories are sad dramas and the movie Deeply is a sad drama. Knowing that my friend liked Mandy Moore from Walk to Remember and that Trent Ford was in Deeply made me think to get her to borrow How to Deal at the same time as Deeply.

I am letting a few of the girls at the theater borrow some of my movies and also some of my books (from my Sherrilyn Kenyon series - you can find out more about this series at www.dark-hunter.com ).

Trading movies and books is something fun to do with my co-workers and it gives us both something to look forward to. I enjoy lending the items and hearing how they liked or didn't like it and the girls get to enjoy something they have not been introduced to before.

I am Marianne Dashwood!

Take the Quiz here!

I found this quiz while looking at other blogs. I love Jane Austin and I love taking quizzes! :)


Lily Vet Update

I took Lily back to the vet today. Lily had surgery done on Nov. 7th. She had mammary tumors removed and a growth over her eye.

Lily right after surgery

(not feeling like her Snar-key self!)

She currently has stitches on four parts of her body, three areas on her belly and 2 stitiches on her eye lid.

Last night Lily managed to take out the stitches over her eye- it didn't bleed but I wanted to get it checked out. The vet said it looked alright and gave me ointment to put on it twice a day. Happily, it did not need to be restitched.

These pictures are definitely not very glamorous pictures of me - believe me, when you go to bed at 4 a.m. (my usual time) and have to be at the vet at 8 a.m. (unhappy hour) you are so not going to look alive for the appointment!

Anyway, I was trying to get back to sleep after we got back home when Lily came and lay down right next to me with her head resting on my arm. It was so cute that I reached for my camera-phone that was sitting on my desk and got these shots.

(Ignore the human - cute dog!!!)

Side Note: I slept for an hour and a half, then ended up getting another rude awakening - by my neighbor's evil lawn-mower.

Friday, November 14, 2008


Annoying realization: I love to make brownies (that is not the annoying part!) The Annoying part is that it takes eggs to make brownies. If I go to the store and get the double pack - it goes bad before I use it. Trying to be clever I got only one pack (18 eggs). Upon getting home the other day with the eggs I dropped it ( minus 5 eggs).

I put them in a bowl and stuck them in the fridge. Today I pull them out to make peanut-butter brownies, cracked the 3 eggs I needed for the batch into a bowl and knocked the bowl with the remaining eggs right onto the floor (minus the remaining 10). Burned brownies. I have no more eggs.

Annoying realization:

Buy too many eggs - all go bad. Buy too few - huge mess and still no dessert!

Meet Us

Hi! I'm Sha I'm 22 yrs old. I'm crazy about my dogs. I live in VA. I work two jobs (I'm a full-time manager at a movie theater and I work part-time at PetSmart) and spend all my free time with my dogs. I love visiting the http://www.rollingdogranch.com/ and watching all my tv shows on http://www.youtube.com/ - since I work so much I miss them when they come on. I love coldcase, numb3rs, criminal minds, full house, baywatch, etc.

My dream is to open my own dog kennel with my sister. We want to have a doggie daycare and an adoption area - if we ever create it it will be amazing.

Hi, my name is Michelle. I am 23 years old. I live with my sister Sha with our 4 dogs and 2 ghinea pigs in VA. I work at PetSmart. I am an avid reader of romance novels and love to eat at resturants, my favorites are Grapevine and Firebirds.

I'm also somewhat crafty. I like to knit and make quilts. I love to go to Three Dog Bakery and Cheesecake Bistro with my sister and our dogs. Sitting out on the patio, reading books, with our dogs at our feet; it's so relaxing!

Rolling Dog Ranch Animal Sanctuary

I am a huge follower and supporter of the Rolling Dog Ranch Animal Sanctuary. It's a non-profit animal sanctuary located in Montana for disabled animals (mostly dogs, cats, and horses). I check their blog every day (they write on it 5 times a week) and if I ever get a chance I would love to go there to visit and work.

My Photo

Alayne Marker and her husband Steve Smith created the sanctuary and run it. Here they are pictured with blind Goldie. If you would like to learn more about the sanctuary please go to: http://www.rollingdogranch.com/ or http://www.rollingdogranch.org/

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Jodi Bock Necklaces and Memory Cake

I first heard about Jodi Bock's necklaces from a friend of mine, Terry. I'd run into Terry at the movie theater, I was in line to see the midnight showing of Harry Potter and Order of the Phoenix, she was coming out of a movie. I started talking to her about my newest dog, Madelyne.

The next day Terry called me at work to tell me that she had seen a woman wearing a necklace with her dog on it. Terry works at a bank downtown and the woman was in her line. Terry told the woman that she knew someone who would love to have a necklace like that (she was talking about me- duh!!!). The woman told her that she made the necklaces among other trinkets and gave Terry her business card. Terry then called me and gave me the phone number and told me it was located in Carytown.

This is Jodi's necklace of Sadie that Terry saw Jodi wearing.

Well, the next day off I had, Michelle and I went to Carytown, we figured we'd see Jodi's shop. It was a pretty slow day and no one was really about except a man and his dog. We stopped in our search for Jodi's shop to pet the dog and to talk to the owner. The dog's name was Sadie and the owner was really nice- we asked him if he knew where the shop was. He said he didn't know but it sounded like his wife's business and he pulled his wife's business card out of his wallet! I was like, oh-my-gosh, out of all the people we could have run into in Carytown we ran into Jodi's husband and dog!!!!

It turns out that the place she makes the necklaces is her studio which is on N. Dooley Ave. - close to Carytown, but it's not on Cary Street.

I called Jodi a day or two later and her husband had told her the story- she thought it was wild too :)

I asked her to make a necklace for my cousin Jamie with her two dogs (Nick and Goldie) on it for Christmas 2007. She did and it is beautiful. It's two-sided: one side is black-and-white , the other side is color.

**I'll have to see if I have a picture of it somewhere**

When Bandit passed away in May 2008 my sister and I wanted to do something special to remember him by - we already have tattoo of our pups, and we had been talking about getting necklaces made by Jodi. We decided to get Bandit necklaces made and also to have his picture put on our birthday cake since we had got him on my birthday in '05 and he'd past close to our birthday (Michelle and I are 1 year and 4 days apart - Michelle's older if you're wondering)

Michelle and My Birthday Cake

Michelle's Bandit Necklace

Sha's Bandit Necklace

If you like our necklaces and would like to get one made yourself check out Jodi's website:


The Fur-Kids Introduction Continued

Little Bear was a surprise to us. My sister had been talking about getting a smaller dog for a while. My friend, David who I met in TX when I was fifteen had come for a visit in June 2006. We (my sister and I) were showing him around to all our favorite places- Kings Dominion, Bush Gardens, the Science Museums and the animal shelters, etc.

Anyway when we went to the SPCA we came across Little Bear- my sister was smitten! I thought he was cute but I was worried that our landlord wouldn't be for us having another dog. Her husband hadn't planned on renting to anyone with dogs in the first place. She convinced him that with a two-bedroom house and a big backyard-you were going to find people with animals interested. He relented and we moved in May 1st, 2006 with 2 dogs.

One month later- we see Little Bear. My sister called our landlord and she said yes, we could have him!!!! We were so excited. He was supposed to be Michelle's dog- but he fell in love with me, so he's technically mine.

Little Bear (above) is a Pomeranian - he's very sturdy and when we adopted him on June 27, 2006 he was 17 lbs. Two years later he is now 25 lbs - he's very chubby, and as you can see from the picture he adores me (I'm taking the picture, he's at my feet, LOL. I adore him too!!!)

February 10, 2007, my Aunt Marti, who lives with my Mom a few blocks away, calls me on the phone. We were about to go to Chilli's before I had to go to work - she was heading over in the car to pick me up when she spotted two dogs running loose on her road. In our county dogs have to be on a leash, they aren't allowed to run loose- we do have the regulars in the neighborhood who don't follow that rule - these two were not regulars.

Marti asked me what I wanted to do, I said to pick me up and I would try to catch them and see if they had collars on. I've done this before a few time and the owners were always grateful and happy to have them home. We got to the street they were running on. One had a collar, one did not. I went for the one without the collar first- I got her. I went for the one with the collar- he ran off before I could get him.

We put signs out and four days later, the owner called. My sister was so sad, she'd fallen in love with Madelyne. The owner called us on the 20th - she said Madelyne missed Michelle too, that with Madelyne jumping fences she couldn't keep running after her (she had a baby now) - and would we like to keep her. We called our landlord- she said we could. Madelyne's owner dropped her off that night (her name was Roxie, we changed it to Madelyne). The previous owners still see her every now and then- we've even caught one of their other dogs running around the neighborhood (that's a funny story, for another time).

Madelyne (lab/pointer mix) destroying one of their toys and Little Bear looking on for his opportunity to take a turn.

On this note I want to point out that Michelle and I did a little switch (she picked out Little Bear and I found Madelyne but they choose the other sister for their technical owner, LOL. Also,Michelle named Little Bear, I named Madelyne.) We love them all equally, its just who hangs out with whom the most.

Bandit passed away May 2, 2008 he was getting older and wasn't feeling good anymore -or eating so we had to put him to sleep.

Michelle and I were sad...and we felt getting another dog would help. We decided to get another beagle mix who was older - like Bandit, to honor him. We looked at several dogs and actually settled on one we had seen several weeks earlier at the SPCA. Her name was Shelly, which I find funny because that's the nickname I have for Michelle. She was 7 yrs old. We adopted her on May 16, 2008.

Lily in Michelle's room (Michelle likes to knit, see all the yarn?)

Fun fact: Lily is named after Michelle's favorite flower the Stargazer Lily.

Michelle picked out Shiloh and Citrine from PetSmart on Oct 12, 2008 after I had mentioned to her that I had been thinking about getting a guinea pig. It turned out that she had been thinking about getting one too! She got them for us as early Christmas presents.

Shiloh (left) and Citrine (right)

Shiloh is mine and Citrine is Michelle. Michelle named her Citrine after the gem due to her coloring. I was thinking about Molly, but Citrine is so fancy sounding that I didn't think it could compete (not that it's a competition- but you get the idea). So I looked down at her and she had the coloring of a beagle, which got me thinking about the movie Shiloh, I've always wanted to name a beagle of mine, Shiloh- but it'd be kind-of dorky to name a beagle after a movie- you know? So...beagle coloring- she became Shiloh (plus it can compete with the name Citrine). It fit.

Me and my fur-kids

Hi my name is Sha. I'm 22 yrs old and I live in VA. My sister and I have been roommates for several years now and we have 4 dogs and 2 guinea pigs between us. Our fur-kids are very important to us and we spend most of our free time with them.

Introducing the fur-kids:

Dogs (in order of adoption): Rhiley is five yrs old, Bandit passed away May '08 he was almost 12 yrs old, Little Bear will be turning 6 in December, Madelyne is 4 yrs old, and Lily just turned 8 yrs old.

Guinea Pigs: Shiloh and Citrine. We got them in October '08- they are still babies (about 4 months old).

Rhiley is the first dog I have ever had- I got her when I was 18 yrs old (once I moved out). My Mom's allergic - but she loves the babies and comes to visit all the time.

Rhiley was adopted on Nov 16, 2004. She had just turned 1 year's old when I adopted her, her birthday is Nov. 9th.

This is Rhiley. She's a dachshund-spaniel mix.
I took this picture about 3 weeks ago - she's laying on my bed.

My sister actually saw her first, with my boyfriend at the time - I was at school, so when I got out of school she and my bf at the time were in my school parking lot and were like you have to see her - we know you will love her on sight! They were right. My baby girl is precious.

Bandit (our old man). We adopted him June 25th of 2005 (he was 9 yrs old) and he passed away May '08. He was my Mom's favorite. Bandit was actually kind-of a bargaining chip. After my bf and I broke-up I needed a roommate. I told my sister if she wanted to move out with me we could get another dog. She moved out and a few days later we found Bandit at a local PetSmart waiting for adoption. I saw him first and was like he's sooo cute! But I was worried about him being older - we had originally been looking for a dog around age 2 (like Rhiley at the time). But, Michelle (my sister) was smitten with Bandit and he went home with us that day. He was the perfect choice for her. He was quiet and sooo sweet - Michelle loves to read and he was fine with sleeping all day next to her.

Bandit on the sofa, he was a beagle-blue heeler mix.