Monday, January 4, 2010

Finish the...

1. My ex is . . still a good friend.
2. I should learn to . . .accept that I can't always be perfect.
3. I love . . . my dogs.
4. People would say that I am . . . a workaholic.
5. I don't understand . . . why my relationships with guys always have to be so complicated.
6. When I wake up in the morning . . .I take the pups out to pee before I do.
7. I lost . . .several movies in the move to TX.
8. Life is . . .hard.
9. My past taught me . . .you can't depend on a 50-50 relationship.
10. I get annoyed . . . when people rush me.
11. Parties are . . no-existent in my life...need to change that (oh Ethan!!)
12. I wish . . .I had my doggie kennel.
13. Dogs and cats . . .are the bestest friends a person can ask for.
14. My childhood . . .was good. little sheltered. LOL.
15. Tomorrow . . is my day to sleep in! I don't have to be at work til 5 pm. Hurray!!
16. I have a low tolerance for . . .people with Attitudes.
17. If I had $10 million dollars . . I'd pay off my debt and open my dream kennel.
18. I'm terrified of . . n/a
19. I've come to realize . . .I am a great person the way I am and if a man don't see that he needs to take a hike.
20. I am listening to . . .computer monitors buzzing.
21. I talk . . .to Alyssa every day. Love her!
22. My best friend(s) . . . Aylssa. David. Michelle T. Michelle G. and Debbie!!
23. My first kiss . . . was with Dylan...
24. Love is . . .real.
25. Marriage is . . .something I know nothing about... yet. LOL.
26. Somewhere, someone is ...thinking about me ( I love you Mommy!)
27. I'll always be . . .a dog lover.
28. The last time I cried was . . .a few weeks ago.
29. My cell phone is . . .permanently within sight. LOL.
30. Before I go to bed . . I set my alarm clock for an UN-Godly hour.
31. My middle name . . . Shannon Marie
32. Right now, I am thinking . . . it's nice to be off work already.
33. Yesterday I . . . worked 13 hours. Hurray for shoes that don't kill my feet!!!
34. Tonight I will be . . .watching movies and cleaning the Guinea Pig cage.
35. I really want to . . .open a dog kennel (Woot!)
36. The person most likely to re-post this is . . . dunno
37. The person least likely to re-post this is . . dunno
38. My relationship with my grandparents . . in a different state.
39. My most treasured possession is . . .not a possession. My Dogs.
40. My favorite pictures . . .are of my dogs.
41. I sing . . .badly.
42. If I were a crayon . . . (weird question) Brown.
43. Someday I want to travel to . . .Montana (rolling dog ranch).
44. I am wearing . . . big black hoop earrings. my hair in a bun with a blue and gold jeans and a gray jacket.
45. My favorite class(es) . . . were English and Art.
46. My favorite language is . . .good ole' American Grammar...English, sorta. LOL.
47. It hurts . . . when people play mind games
49. My profile picture is . . my dogs.
50. Someone who is always the happiest to see dogs.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

New Years Resolutions 2010: THIS YEAR WILL BE GREAT!!!

I think I did really good on my New Years Resolutions for 2009.

I had a lot of fun making my Resolutions for 2010...

I used my Aunt Marti's Method. I only make Resolutions I feel I can meet. Still challenging Resolutions...but not Pipe Dreams (like lose 100 pounds) LOL. I'm a perfectionist. If I made goals that were too hard and didn't meet them I'd be upset with myself. I really feel good about last year's Goals and this Year's!!

So, Here they Are:

1. Continue to pay off CREDIT CARDS. I did good last year, I paid off my 3 baby ones. This year I hope to pay off a few more (cross your fingers for me). My Apartment is a whole lot cheaper than my House in VA...I can put a bit more money on my cards to keep out of the RED. I just need to keep my Motivation!!

2. Try hard not to put anything more on the Credit Cards; only VET BILLS and Car Stuff! (Emergencies only!) I've been really good with this. I eat out less and when I do go out I try to order cheaper items... and I never put it on the Card. Woot! Last year (2009) I had to put a little over $1000 on the Cards for the Car... the Vet was mostly out of pocket...I think Lily's Cremation was the only thing I put on my card...

3. Have More Fun!!! Enjoy Life!!!
***What is Wrong With Me!! I'm in my 20's and I act like I'm 40!!! Ick!!! More nights baking at midnight!!! More Movie Marathons! and this Year I will go to the club with Ethan and see him Pole Dance - at least once!! Heck yeah!! LOL. <3>

4. Spend more time playing with my Pups and Guinea Pigs! I love my babies and I try to give them the best money can buy. But I need to be home more...sigh...hard to do when I work 70 hours a week. But, this year I WILL find a place to take the pups to have fun! I need to find a *Brusters* hangout in Texas!!!

5. Buy A Car or find another Job I can walk to! Michelle and I have been doing awesome sharing a car. I have one job I can walk to, but the other job is too far. When Michelle graduates she will either need to find a job she can get to on the bus line or walk to... Or I will have to quit my job and find one closer I can get to... Or I can try to finance a car again...we will see how it goes...

6. Try to Stress Less; Panic Less. This I'm sure is WISHFUL THINKING...but what the Heck... I'm young, I'm not a manager anymore, My jobs are easy, I'm making ends meet... currently all the babies are healthy...I have Much to be thankful for. I will try to breath this year.

7. Continue to try to Eat at Home!!! I'm amazed at how well Michelle and I have been doing with this!!! I lost 20 pounds this year without trying!! (Of course with all those discounted cookies, cakes, and pies at HEB I'm sure I just put those pounds right back on this week...Oh Well. Like Marti says: EAT IT WHILE YOU CAN!! It's a lot easier for me to EAT AT HOME with my friend Mr. Dishwasher!!! xoxo How did I ever live without you!!!

8. Get Internet hooked up at the Apartment!?!? This One is a Fingernail Nibbler...ugh. If I get the Internet in my apartment then Hurray!!! I'll have my computer back!!! But if I continue to use the business center...I'll save $35 a month... Ick! What to do...

9. Try to go HEB Green!!! Buy Green Bags this Year!!! I am not super environment friendly. And I'm not going to try to be this year (sorry)...But I figure I can save the world from excess Plastic Bags when I go grocery shopping...I have a million Tot Bags I don't use anyway...

10. Condense Clutter at the Apartment. Throw Out what I don't Wear or Use!! I moved from a big 2 bedroom house with a walk-up attic and a shed in a 700 sq. ft. apartment in TX...I have no idea how I even got my stuff to fit in the Apartment!!! I still have 4 boxes of stuff left to unpack and Alyssa says she'll help me (hurray for friends!). But, I think there are a few things here and there around the apartment that could happily meet the garbage man...

11. Save Money by Savings Account (baby steps). I used to have a savings account in VA that took out $25 a month. I almost always put it back in my checking account. Now I have a "keep the change program" and I still use that money instead of letting it build up...sigh...SO: For the Year 2010!! My GOAL is too Leave my SAVINGS ACCOUNT ALONE!!! LOL...I'm going to Try to forget any MONEY is going in there. Then January 1, 2011...I'll see how much I saved! It'll be fun!!

So, What do you think? Can I Meet My Resolutions???



Reflection on New Years Resolutions 2009

1. PAY OFF CREDIT CARDS. Obviously, I wasn't able to pay off all 10 of my credit cards in one year. But I did make a dent. I paid off three and I feel like I'm doing good. Michelle and I try hard not to use the cards for unnecessary things and we try to eat at home now and with the help of my DISHWASHER it's not hard to do! LOL. The only things that have gone on my cards this year were Vet and Car. (hurray!!!)

2. Buy a CAR. My Mom actually bought me a car back in June. But it got wrecked 4 days later. Not my fault. I used the insurance money to get an Apartment here in Texas. Michelle and I still share a car but it's working out.

3. Work on Training the Pups. This did not happen. Since moving to the apartment Madelyne has gotten Loose twice. Little Bear once. and Lily once...Maddy and Little Bear came when called...Lily did not but we caught her. glad Rhiley hasn't gotten loose!!!

4. ONLY USE CREDIT CARDS if I HAVE To; VET BILLS ONLY!!! Yay!!! I did good with this!!! I said vet bills Only...but the car needed $1000 worth of work, didn't have that kind of money on me..went on the card.

5. If it's possible: Start Saving Money for TX. Um. We moved to Texas all right. Without saving the Money. My Mom paid for the move. Howdy.

6. RELAX. BREATH. NO BREAK-DOWNS This Year.My financial problems will work themselves out. They always do. Remember to Live Life this year. My Troubles are going to go away. I WILL SUCCEED! :) Oh Hell. Totally Failed. I had a lot of breakdowns...LOL.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009


• Copy and paste the following questionnaire with your answers (1-2 words only please).

Where is your cell phone? right beside me
Your hair? Red, long (in a bun)
Your mother? The best person in the world!!!
Your father? Absent.
Your favorite food? Italian
Your dream last night? Nightmare...about losing my garnet ring
Your favorite drink? Sweet Tea
Your dream/goal? Kennel owner
What room are you in? Business Center. Need to get the Internet at my apartment
Your hobby? don't really have one...I like to have movie marthon's at home. does that count???
Your fear? n/a
Where do you want to be in 6 years? at age 29/30... married, hopefully. with kids.
Where were you last night? my apt. making cookies with Alyssa at midnight. Fun!!!
Something you aren't? I'm not a lier.
Muffins? Banana Nut
Wish list item? have my internet back on in the apt...and a second car.
Where did you grow up? Virginia.
Last thing you did? Blinked.
What are you wearing? Jeans and gray jacket
Your TV? I have 3 of them. Couldn't live without my movies.
Your pets? 3 dogs. 2 guinea pigs.
Friends? Many and I love them all!
Your life? busy...working.
Your mood? tired. worn out. and I can't believe it cost $182 at the vet for my guinea pigs!!!
Missing someone? my Mommy. Always miss my Mommy.
Vehicle? 1994 marron station wagon. The Pup Mobile.
Something your not wearing? a watch. I hate watches, I break them.
Your favorite store? Ross!!!
Your favorite color? Brown
When was the last time you laughed? second ago.
Last time you cried? Wednesday.
Your best friend? a few, the besties!!!
One place that I go to over and over? WORK.
One person who emails me regularly? HAWK.
Favorite place to eat? Melting Pot.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Snow Patrol: Set Fire to the Third Bar

the version featuring Martha Wainwright

I find the map and draw a straight line
Over rivers, farms, and state lines
The distance from A to where you'd 'B'
It's only finger-lengths that I see
I touch the place where I'd find your face
My fingers in creases of distant dark places
I hang my coat up in the first bar
There is no peace that I've felt so far
The laughter penetrates my silence
As drunken men find flaws in science
Their words mostly noises
Ghosts with just voices
Your words in my memory
Are like music to me
I'm miles from where you are,
I lay down on the cold ground
I pray that something picks me up
And sets me down in your warm arms
After I have travelled so far
We'd set the fire to the third bar
We'd share each other like an island
Until exhausted,
close our eyelids
And dreaming pick up from
The last place we left off
Your soft skin is weeping
A joy you can't keep it
I'm miles from where you are,
I lay down on the cold ground
And I pray that something picks me up
and sets me down in your warm arms
I'm miles from where you are,
I lay down on the cold ground
I pray that something picks me up
and sets me down in your warm arms

Monday, November 9, 2009


Today is Rhiley's B-day. She's 6 years old.

Next Week (Nov. 16th) she is having Surgery. She has bladder stones. No Fun.

Michelle is gonna take off school to stay with her while she heals...
The nest of young eagles hung on every word as the Master Eagle described his exploits. This was an important day for the eaglets. They were preparing for their first solo flight from the nest. It was the confidence builder many of them needed to fulfill their destiny.
"How far can I travel?" asked one of the eaglets.
"How far can you see?" responded the Master Eagle.
"How high can I fly?" quizzed the young eaglet.
"How far can you stretch your wings?" asked the old eagle.
"How long can I fly?" the eaglet persisted.
"How far is the horizon?" the mentor rebounded.
"How much should I dream?" asked the eaglet.
"How much can you dream?" smiled the older, wiser eagle.
"How much can I achieve?" the young eagle continued.
"How much can you believe?" the old eagle challenged.
Frustrated by the banter, the young eagle demanded, "Why don't you answer my questions?"
"I did."
"Yes. But you answered them with questions."
"I answered them the best I could."
"But you're the Master Eagle. You're supposed to know everything. If you can't answer these questions, who can?"
"You." The old wise eagle reassured.
"Me? How?" the young eagle was confused.
"No one can tell you how high to fly or how much to dream. It's different for each eagle. Only God and you know how far you'll go. No one on this earth knows your potential or what's in your heart. You alone will answer that. The only thing that limits you is the edge of your imagination."
The young eagle puzzled by this asked, "What should I do?"
"Look to the horizon, spread your wings, and fly."

Copyright 2001, Tom Reilly

Tom Reilly wrote this beautiful short story in The Power of Attitude.