Thursday, May 14, 2009

Jamie's Horsey Party!!! (2)

I promised to put pictures up of the horses as soon as I was able to!! And I did!!!

Meet the Pretty Horseys:
This is: Faith
I love her coloring - and I adore this saddle!!!

This is: Mirage

I think "Mirage" is the prettiest name for a horse!!
And with the costumes and rope lead this picture looks right out of a fairy tale!!!
Jamie's favorite of the horses was:
Jess-a-belle (Jessie)

- Jamie likes Black horses -
P.S. Jessie and Mirage are both Pregnant!!!

1 comment:

Nuts To You! said...

I hope that your time tomorrow goes very well!

I like to set myself up with too much to do...that is why I have so many projects planned!