Wednesday, February 4, 2009

When did 2 Black Dogs Become 3???

I have been sick all week and been working doubles though-out my horrible cold.

I got off early yesterday (4:30 pm) and came staight home. I was asleep by 6:30pm.

Well, I just got home today about 30 minutes ago... (I got off at 8pm) and I have a third black dog!!!

I said VERY loudly to my sister - when did Little Bear get sooo dirty???

And she said: he's been dirty for the past few days - you didn't notice?

(I give her a look)and say : NO!!!

So, I have the bath water running now and in a few minutes my my black dog count will be 2 again.

P.S. The reason Michelle didn't give him a bath is because she has a deep cut on her hand. We're trying not to get it wet so it will heal.


Nuts To You! said...

I think it is enough to give the girls a bath, I don't know about doing a dog!!

Sha and Michelle said...

they usually are pretty good. they just stand there and twitch the hard part is catching them to get them in the tub.