Saturday, January 2, 2010

Reflection on New Years Resolutions 2009

1. PAY OFF CREDIT CARDS. Obviously, I wasn't able to pay off all 10 of my credit cards in one year. But I did make a dent. I paid off three and I feel like I'm doing good. Michelle and I try hard not to use the cards for unnecessary things and we try to eat at home now and with the help of my DISHWASHER it's not hard to do! LOL. The only things that have gone on my cards this year were Vet and Car. (hurray!!!)

2. Buy a CAR. My Mom actually bought me a car back in June. But it got wrecked 4 days later. Not my fault. I used the insurance money to get an Apartment here in Texas. Michelle and I still share a car but it's working out.

3. Work on Training the Pups. This did not happen. Since moving to the apartment Madelyne has gotten Loose twice. Little Bear once. and Lily once...Maddy and Little Bear came when called...Lily did not but we caught her. glad Rhiley hasn't gotten loose!!!

4. ONLY USE CREDIT CARDS if I HAVE To; VET BILLS ONLY!!! Yay!!! I did good with this!!! I said vet bills Only...but the car needed $1000 worth of work, didn't have that kind of money on me..went on the card.

5. If it's possible: Start Saving Money for TX. Um. We moved to Texas all right. Without saving the Money. My Mom paid for the move. Howdy.

6. RELAX. BREATH. NO BREAK-DOWNS This Year.My financial problems will work themselves out. They always do. Remember to Live Life this year. My Troubles are going to go away. I WILL SUCCEED! :) Oh Hell. Totally Failed. I had a lot of breakdowns...LOL.

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